How it works

Start a Moz Pro free trial to access On-Page Grader and other SEO tools.
Start a Moz Pro free trial to access On-Page Grader and other SEO tools.
Enter a URL and keyword into On-Page Grader.
Enter a URL and keyword into On-Page Grader.
Receive a page optimization score, plus a checklist of recommended fixes.
Receive a page optimization score, plus a checklist of recommended fixes.

Improve your rankings and On-Page SEO by following our recommendation checklist.

Quickly gauge page strength
Quickly gauge page strength

Get an instant report of what is helping and hurting your page, as well as key metrics to keep an eye on.

Receive a prioritized checklist
Receive a prioritized checklist

Use the checklist of on-page factors as your step-by-step guide to optimizing your page and improving your content.

Learn how to tackle page issues
Learn how to tackle page issues

Each factor has code snippets and examples to help you prioritize your fixes and learn how to implement them on your website.

Moz Pro has the full digital marketer's toolset

Subscribe for access to On-Page Grader, link research in Link Explorer, keyword research in Keyword Explorer, On-Demand Crawl, and more.